  |  Lab: Design Process, Energy

Energy analysis at the early stage of building design is a critical, yet difficult task in performance-based design. The difficulty arises from the complex, iterative, and uncertain nature of building design and the challenges of integration with well-posed energy assessment tools. The purpose of this article is to first review characteristics of performance-based design and establish requirements for a methodology that includes generating promising design alternatives, assessing the energy performance in tandem with the generation of alternatives, and choosing an alternative design solution with confidence. The study then proposes a novel systematic data-driven method, based on linear inverse modeling that generates plausible ranges for design parameters given a preferred energy target. The energy performance in this method is described as a linear function of the design parameters for a particular scenario of design. The application of the proposed method in a case study shows that it is capable of helping designers make informed decisions regarding energy performance iteratively and confidently at the early stages of building design.


View the full article published in Advanced Engineering Informatics 41 (2019) 100925.